親密關係 n 性 心理諮詢

Intimacy & Sex can become very complicated when they tangle with unmatched expectation!
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Don't let it destroy your relationship, your self-esteem and others. This blog is also welcome same-sex couple.

Monday 16 May 2011

Signal from a guy

As a woman, how would you know when a man is signaling you? Blinking his eye at you? Showing his charming smile? Making you laugh?

In this study, it says men would donate more money to charity when a potential female is observing. This is one of many ways to get attention from females, or showing the best look!

It sounds like a warning to me! It means I shouldn't 100% believe what I've seen!


Are men more generous to charities when women are watching?

We examined people's charity contributions while in the presence of an observer of the same sex, opposite sex, or no observer. Inspired by costly signaling theory, we hypothesized that men would be more generous in the presence of a potential mate. Men and women played a number of experimental games in which they could earn money. On completion of these games participants were asked what percentage of their earned money they would be willing to donate to charity. Our results show that men contribute more to charity when observed by a member of the opposite sex than by a member of the same sex or no observer. Conversely, female charity donations did not significantly vary across the three observer conditions. Findings support the notion that men's generosity might have evolved as a mating signal.

Source: "Showing Off in Humans: Male Generosity as a Mating Signal" from Evolutionary Psychology

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Something more about Lilac...

Hong Kong
I think we should have our way to enjoy life, We should be able to make our life more colourful! “We are similar, but we are so different!” We have our preference of colour and how we use it! Our intimate relationship, Some say, it's complicated and hard to reach! It’s true, but we can find a way to manage it and enjoy it!